Monday, January 17, 2011

sy x ckp sy bgos...=)

da lme sgt x update blog....
1 sb x de mse n 1 lg sbb x rse nk berblog...
yes..Blog is about expressing our feeling...
n i think i need to write something coz i just felt there is some part yg klu kiter citer kt org pn blom tntu org tu phm....
aku x ckp aku bgos or aku sempurna..
n aku pn x phm npe...sbbnye motif nk tlg org tp slalu aku yg kna blik..
ye aku x de ayat manis n aku x de prngai yg baek....
jdk org sush nk percye klu aku nk bgtau wlaupn dgn niat menolong...

cmne nk wt ayat manis?
atau simpati?..
atau wt muke kesian?..
aku nk sgt...
aku pn nk org simpati kt aku n kesian kt aku...
aku pn nk org rse nk tlg aku sbb aku pndai wt muke sedih..
aku nk org percye ckp aku sbb aku ckp perkre sbnr...

P/S:aku penh wt post dulu...
priority aku terhdp bff lbey tinggi dr bf n prkre itu maseh lg x berubh smpy skg...
n it will alwayS be like that..
eventhough i don't have any bff anymore 1 day but i will still treat them as my bff...