Tuesday, August 31, 2010


ntah npe skg ni prasaan dlm ati ni best sgt..
wlaupn bnyk mslh dunia yg menyelubungi..
tp tetp rse tenang n kdg tu asyik rse nk tdo je coz pale otk cm da kosong giler...
sumenye bermule sjk aku mule memaafkn org disekeliling aku..
wlaucmne bsr skalipn keslhn yg diorg lakukan,
aku da wt keputsn utk lupekn sumenye n bukak buku bru..
yes..bukak buku bru...
sbb aku pn ade bnyk keslhn yg aku sndiri perlu sdr n perbaiki...
alhmdulillah lps je tindakan tu, agk bnyk perkre bek yg dtg dlm idop aku...
kdg tu aku terpkir gk npela aku x dgr ckp asrul dr dulu..
sbb sume yg die penh ckp kt aku sumenye berlaku...
dan akibtnye akula yg kna sbb aku x nk dgr ckp die..
so aku da wt keptsn pasni aku akn dgr nsht die klu ianya memg utk kebaikn aku sndiri...
rpenye masih rmai lg yg syg kt aku...
masih rmai lg yg snggop bersme aku time sush n senang...
n aku da nmpk mne 1 kwn yg btol2 setia kwn dgn aku...
sume tu bole nmpk dgn jelas lps peristiwa aku lari dr rumah 1 mlm tu...
so lps ni aku da tau ape yg ptot aku lakukan..
dlm dunia yg penuh dugaan dan penipuan ni,
kiter x bole nk percye sgt wlaupn dgn makhluk yg bernme manusia...
bak kater org 'ckp siang pndg2, ckp mlm tgk2'...eh yeke?.hehe...ape2la...
yg penting wt mse ni idop aku n asrul semakin hepy..
alhmdulilllah ape yg drncgkn utk mse dpn tercpai...
n taon dpn lg bnyk yg perlu dilakukan coz aku pn da nk abes blaja taon dpn...
em..x pe2..slow2...klu tergesa2 tkot x jdk plak..
bile pkir2 balik memg klakala...hbgn aku n asrul cm da lme sgt...7 taon..
tp rse xcm skjp je n cm bru knl lg..hehe...
ingt lg dulu die yg sekeping gile cm lidi n time tu bru ade motor ss(mat rempit) dtg kl dr kkb semate2 nk jumpe aku yg dulunye gemok gedempol tndg msok gol..haha...
dulu jual mhl x nk nek mtor coz x bole nek mtor dgn jntn...haha..
last2 jntn tula yg bnyk bersush pyh utk aku dr dulu smpi skg...
bnyk gk die berhabis utk aku...org yg knl kitorg taula...
tp memg da jdohla kot...aku knl die mse die dok kkb n aku dok kl..
time tu memg sush nk jumpe n cost pn tinggi coz jrk dr uma die ke kl 1 jm stgh...
smpila tibe2 family aku pindh btg kali yg jrknye juz 15 minit je dr uma aku..
memg x sgkela...dlm bnyk2 tmpt family aku bole pindh kt tmpt yg dkt dgn uma die...hehe
ape2pn hopefully hbgn ni kekal smpi jinjg pelamin n smpi bile2...
aku tau dugaan pas blaja mesti lg tinggi...
arap2 kitorg kuat nk hadapinye..AMIN....
p/s : misi simpn duet utk nk kawen..haha...(gatal)..

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What I've Learned About Friendship

  • I've learned that there are many good friends around, but true best friends are hard to come by.
  • I've learned that sometimes you love a best friend more than a boyfriend.
  • I've learned that a best friend is more important than a boyfriend.
  • I've learned that you can do something or nothing with a best friend and still have the best time.
  • I've learned that a true friendship has many memories, both good and bad, but all important.
  • I've learned that sometimes the most used part of a best friend is the shoulder you cry on, and the shoulder you are willing to lend.
  • I've learned that when a best friend is happy, you find yourself happy too, even when it has nothing to do with you.
  • I've learned that a best friend's family soon feels like your own.
  • I've learned that the only one who truly understands is a true friend.
  • I've learned that nothing ever sounds stupid, funny, or unbelievable to a best friend, and you never feel stupid saying whatever it is.
  • I've learned that sometimes it feels like a best friend is the only one who will ever care about you and think you are beautiful in your own way.
  • I've learned that you always have that something extra to give to a best friend in need, and can count on that in return.
  • I've learned that your heart is forever touched by a true friend, no matter how things end up.
  • I've learned that when your heart has been broken, a best friend is the best band-aid for it.
  • I've learned that a best friend will call you in the middle of the night to talk without thinking, and it's OK.
  • I've learned that in many cases, a hug and a kind word from a best friend is the only thing that helps get you through the day.
  • I've learned that a best friend would stick up for you no matter what the consequences are.
  • I've learned that best friends can sing at the top of their lungs and not worry about singing the wrong words or being out of tune.
  • I've learned that best friends stay up all night and on the phone for hours talking without even realizing it.
  • I've learned that a best friend can tell the difference between a silly crush, and more than that.
  • I've learned that sometimes a best friend is all you have.
  • I've learned that sometimes you wonder how she knew, but then you realize that's just how close you are.
  • I've learned that when you are true best friends, everyone else knows it.
  • I've learned that, most importantly of all, best friends will always be best friends, no matter what is happening in their lives, where they are, or what they are doing. A best friend is irreplaceable. This is the most important thing I could have ever been taught by a best friend.

that's why i love u so much NUR ATIQAH ABU BAKAR....
thnks 4 everything...=)

sy silap dan sy sedar..

stiap manusia memg x lari dr melakukan kesilpn...
smela cm aku....
spnjg idop aku slame 21 taon ni memg da bnyk sgt keslhn yg aku da lakukan...
keslhn dgn manusia n apth lg pada yg maha esa...
tp aku bersyukur sgt2 krn tros2an diberikan peluang oleh
allah dan mereka2 yg syg sgt2 kt aku..
mereka masih lg berikn aku peluang n ruang utk memperbaiki diri ini..
masih lg menyokong diri ini wlaupn aku rse cm x lyk n x ptot ditolong...
aku hrgai sgt...
aku terharu sgt...
terasa hidup ini kembali berhrge..
thnks sgt2 kpd yg maha esa sbb masih lg bg aku peluang..
akn aku ambil peluang ini sebaiknye utk perbaiki diri ini sikit demi sikit..
memg x tau nk ckp cmne lg thp kesetiaan n cinta awk kt sy..
memg x terkate...
klu org len pn mesti akn ckp bnda yg sme..
hnye mereka yg tau sje akn fhm ape yg aku smpikn...
thnks sgt...=')...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

padan muke aku...

da lme sgt x update blog rpenye....
tgk senarai pelawat pn bole thn gk dr pelbagai negeri ade...
thnks coz sudi melawat blog aku yg ntah ape2 ni...
bkn x nk update blog tp x rse nk berblogging..
tp ntah npe wt mse ni aku perlu luahkn ape yg terbuku dlm ati ni...
tula nadz oi...pdn muke ko....
kn org slalu kater....
last2 da mkn diri sndiri nih....
x bole nk berpkir dgn waras da bile nafsu menguasai akal...
i think i need some times to think properly...
pkirkn sume yg ko da lalui n stiap pengorbnn yg dilakukan...
jgn pkir diri ko je...

tp aku tetp percye pd qada dan qadar....jodoh dan pertemuan..
mesti ade sbb aku dipertemukan dgn seseorg...
memg kiter x bole pkir yg wlaupn kiter da lme dgn seseorg tu, diela yg akn jdk jodoh kiter..
sume da ditentukn oleh-NYA...
klu btol ade jdoh adela....
kiter tgk je....smoga aku dpt wt pilihan yg tepat n x mkn diri sndiri..